Indeed, there were many who thought that it would take an event as cataclysmic as the one described in the album title to get these seminal '70s soft-rockers back together. But here they are, revisiting some of their most beloved tunes as well as four new ones, on this mostly live, largely acoustic disc. Frey, Henley, Walsh, Schmit, and Felder tackle iconic Eagles standards like "Hotel California," "Tequila Sunrise," "Take It Easy," "Desperado," and "Life in the Fast Lane" and new tunes like "Get Over It" and "Love Will Keep Us Alive" with the smoothly cocky assurance that originally made them icons. --Scott Schinder
收藏成人抒情榜冠軍"Love Will Keep Us Alive"等四首錄音室新作,以及"Hotel California"、"Take It Easy"、"I Can’t Tell You Why"、"Desperado"、唐亨利單飛暢銷作"New York Minute"…等11首令人懷念不已的傑作
老鷹/ Eagles不僅是組進入搖滾名人殿堂的偉大樂團,締造商業銷售驚人奇蹟外,更是深具質感的現場演出超級隊伍。從1971至1980短短不到十年間,寫下音樂史上多項紀錄,Glenn Frey、Don Henley、Timothy B. Schmit等團員間的陸續單飛推出個人專輯,均贏得無數支持掌聲。1976年發行的首張精選【Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)】,累積全球銷售突破四千一百萬張驚人數量。1976年的專輯【Hotel California】,入選滾石雜誌「史上五百張經典專輯」第37名、VH1「史上百大專輯」名列38名位置。
1994年劃時代的復出再聚首,完成了一件不可能的任務,【Hell Freezes Over】為這歷史保存所有美好畫面,以現場演出收音記載回味老鷹這一路走來的珍貴足跡。蟬連全美流行榜雙週冠軍,銷售突破八白金。收藏主流搖滾榜Top4的"Get Over It"、成人抒情榜冠軍"Love Will Keep Us Alive"、打進鄉村榜Top58的"The Girl From Yesterday"以及成人抒情榜Top15的"Learn to Be Still"等四首錄音室新作,還包括:名列搖滾名人殿堂「塑造搖滾樂的五百首經典單曲」的"Hotel California"以及"Take It Easy";Timothy首度擔任主唱演出的抒情小品"I Can’t Tell You Why";唐亨利單飛暢銷之作"New York Minute",曾入選高收視率電視影集「六人行」之配樂;封入滾石雜誌「史上五百首經典歌曲」之列,並連續受到琳達朗絲黛、木匠兄妹、強尼凱許、瓊拜雅..等巨星翻唱的"Desperado"…等11首令人懷念不已的傑作。
01. Get Over It
02. Love Will Keep Us Alive
03. The Girl From Yesterday
04. Learn To Be Still
05. Tequila Sunrise
06. Hotel California
07. Wasted Time
08. Pretty Maids All In A Row
09. I Can’t Tell You Why
10. New York Minute
11. The Last Resort
12. Take It Easy
13. In The City
14. Life In The Fast Lane
15. Desperado