¤H¤§ªì¡GAt the begining of life.
©Ê¥»µ½¡GSex is good.
©Ê¬Ûªñ¡GBasically,all the sex are same.
²ß¬Û»·¡GBut it depends on how the way you do it.
e¤£±Ð¡GIf you do not practise all the time.
©Ê¤D¾E¡GSex will leave you..
±Ð¤§¹D¡GThe way of learning it
¶Q¥H±M¡Gis very important to make love with only one person.
©õ©s¥À¡GOnce a great mother, Mrs Meng
¾Ü¾F³B¡Gchose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence.
¤l¤£¾Ç¡GIf you don't study hard,
Â_¾÷ªV¡GYour Dick will become useless.
Äu¿P¤s¡GDou, the Famous
¦³¸q¤è¡Gowned a very effective exciting medicine
±Ð¤¤l¡GAll his five son took it
¦WÑ´¡Gand their sexual ability were well-kown.
¾i¤£±Ð¡GIf your children don't know how to do it,
¤÷¤§¹L¡GIt is all your fault.
±Ð¤£ÄY¡GIf they had lots of problems with it,
®v¤§´k¡Gtheir teach must be too lazy to tell them details on sex.
¤l¤£¾Ç¡GYou may refuse to study this
«D©Ò©y¡Gbut that is a real mistake
¥®¤£¾Ç¡GIf you don't learn it in childhood,
¦Ñ¦ó¬°¡Gyou will lose your ability when aged
¥É¤£µZ¡GIf you don't exercise your dick,
¤£¦¨¾¹¡GIt won't become hard and strong.
¤H¤£¾Ç¡GIf you don't learn sex,
¤£ª¾¸q¡GYou can by no means enjoy its sweetness