How to think like Leonardo da Vinci 如何像達文西一樣思考
達芬奇(又譯: 達文西)是位廣受讚譽的藝術家、科學家和工程師,也是史上最了不起的天才。追根究柢的個性,使他不斷地觀察、探討和實驗。雖然他的許多作品尚未完成,但是他的筆記本揭露出一項非凡遠見:他計畫讓人潛入海底、翱翔天際,而且他亦是首位解剖及繪畫人類身體,尤其是眼睛的科學家。他的名畫更是無人不曉. 天才是訓練出來的,不是天生的. 人類是有著無限學習與創造潛能的天才.現在你可以揭開自身隱藏的能力,增長你的才智,和釋放你獨有的天賦-只要你學習歷史上最偉大的天才,達芬奇.
備受稱讚的作者Michael J. Gelb,已經幫助了許多人發展智力並且超出了他們的想像.從達芬奇的筆記本,發明,和藝術創作上, Gelb帶來了7個"達芬奇原理"-天才的基本原理--這是一本好書,教你怎樣去思考生活中的難題
Genius is made, not born. And human beings are gifted with an almost unlimited potential for learning and creativity. Now you can uncover your own hidden abilities, sharpen your senses, and liberate your unique intelligence--by following the example of the greatest genius of all time, Leonardo da Vinci.
Acclaimed author Michael J. Gelb, who has helped thousands of people expand their minds to accomplish more than they ever thought possible, shows you how. Drawing on Da Vinci's notebooks, inventions, and legendary works of art, Gelb introduces Seven Da Vincian Principles--the essential elements of genius--from curiosità, the insatiably curious approach to life to connessione, the appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. With Da Vinci as your inspiration, you will discover an exhilarating new way of thinking. And step-by-step, through exercises and provocative lessons, you will harness the power--and awesome wonder--of your own genius, mastering such life-changing abilities as:
How to think like Leonardo da Vinci 如何像達文西一樣思考