雷達部屋論壇 - 香港討論區 ! 電台資訊的論壇 » 叱吒903 » 叱吒廣播劇 » 【全港獨家最齊】笑談廣東話(1-154集)最後更新日為2009年07月11日

2007-1-14 13:38 27online

2007-1-17 18:42 HEYTON
超超超超好笑呀!  :lol :lol :lol

2007-1-17 19:07 omnl2
咁耐仲唔update ! 我上其他論壇搵好過 !:055:

2007-1-21 16:46 mmaniac
wow..you have all of them...and in mp3 format too! SUPPORT~

2007-1-29 15:38 paragoose
this is a good material.


2007-3-6 17:08 cheunghangd
hahaha so happy

2007-3-7 14:39 gc627
very good!

2007-3-16 16:52 iamtim
森大哥d野好好笑呀 !!!

2007-3-26 17:52 乂乂暗殺乂乂

2007-3-29 08:46 kentam999
Thank you very very much You are the best

2007-3-29 21:35 〝虛﹏幻〞
正呀...:057: :057: :057:

2007-4-9 23:43 teddy99995
:031: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :handshake :handshake :022: :025: :025: thx la~!!!:054: AoA :047: :046: :057: :057: :061: :061: :062: :037: :037: :victory: :lol :036: :kiss: :kiss:

2007-4-21 23:24 harry4567
笑~~~~AoA AoA AoA  i like it!

2007-4-22 23:42 333819081
森大哥d野好好笑呀 !

2007-4-23 09:29 Petercck

2007-5-8 19:37 小小丫
thank you thz:057:

2007-6-7 19:12 atsoi

2007-6-16 20:43 alexandy

2007-6-16 20:46 digimonx
唔該晒!! !! !! :054: :054: :002: :002: :034: :034: :025: :025: :023: :023:

2007-7-8 13:57 pokom
thx~ wo~爆笑!

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