2005-3-17 20:58 月。星夜Φ

你算老幾? = How senior are you?
你係乜水? = What the water are you?
你邊度架? = Where are you come from?
你大我呀? = Do you big me?
你夠姜就放馬過來 = If you got enough ginger,let your horse come over here
你教我以後點出黎行呀? = You teach me how can I come out and walk in the future?
吹雞 = Blow chicken
班馬劈友 = Zebra chops people
做世界 = Do the world
大茶飯 = Big tea rice
你講乜鬼? = What the ghost are you talk?
大哥成 = Big Brother Seng
刀疤強 = Knife Scar Keong
蛇仔明 = Little Snake Meng
矛?華 = Spear Put Wah
喪標 = Crazy Bill
金毛玲 = Gold Hair Leng
十三妹 = Thirteen Little Sister
傻強 = Silly Keung
山雞 = Mountain Chicken
老新 = Old New
老福 = Old Welfare
十四K = Fourteen K
紅興 = Red Prosperity
東星 = East Star
水房 = Wather Room


2005-3-17 21:10  牙陵,
You  are  Silly Keung

2005-3-17 22:55 月。星夜Φ
[quote]Originally posted by [i] 牙陵,[/i] at 2005-3-17 09:10 PM:
You  are  Silly Keung [/quote]
Wo~!so cool why you know who i am
i am Silly keung

2005-3-18 16:40 忌廉仔

Where are you come from?
Do you big me?
How senior are you?
If you got enough ginger,let your horse come over here

2005-3-18 18:44 森魔

2005-3-18 20:26 雀BirD

2005-3-19 10:56 細葉∼
[quote]Originally posted by [i]森魔[/i] at 2005-3-18 06:44 PM:
又學到野啦! [/quote]


2005-3-19 13:13 雷達

2005-12-4 03:06 5D1號
thz to share!!

2005-12-9 22:22 eggegg
If you got enough ginger,let your horse come over here

2005-12-16 20:42 哇!哇!哇!

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